Sitio web oficial del PCTCartuja
Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja, S.A. is a commercial company of the Andalusian public sector, as regulated in Article 4 of Legislative Decree 1/2010, of 2nd March, Approving the Consolidated Text of the General Law on Public Finance of the Andalusian Government, and which is regulated by private law.
In order to carry out its recruitment processes, however, it must respect the principles contained in articles 52, 53, 54, 55 and 59 of Law 7/2007, of 12th April, of the Basic Statute of the Public Employee, according to its first additional provision.
Furthermore, in accordance with applicable budgetary legislation, recruitment processes carried out by the company must contain all necessary prior reports and ensure compliance with the following principles:
When it comes to non-managerial staff, the general recruitment protocol of Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja, S.A. shall be in conformity with parameters of equal treatment and opportunities, and shall take into consideration the merits of the candidates and their suitability for the specific role. It shall avoid gender discrimination in the workplace, in accordance with the model of minimum standards in Annex I of this procedure, which may be approved by the organisation within the company with sufficient power to do so, for each case. To that effect, the conditions for each advertised recruitment process must specify at least:
The recruitment process will always be preceded by a call for applications which must be published at least on the company's website:, as must the corresponding selection processes based on the principles of equality, merit and ability.
Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja, S.A shall ensure at all times that for any role it needs to cover, all persons who are initially qualified for the job, are treated fairly, and equally.
All curricula vitae shall be assessed objectively with direct reference to the role to be performed for each job, such as the candidate's qualifications, experience in similar roles to the one on offer, other studies relevant to the job, the candidate's availability, etc.
Candidates shall be kept informed at all times of the selection process for the particular job.
The curricula vitae received by the company through any means, such as e-mail, fax, ordinary mail, etc. shall be stored in a physical or computer file created for that purpose, with restricted access.
Seville, September 2015.
Teresa Sáez Carrascosa
Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja, S. A.
The purpose of this call for candidates is to select staff, based on their merit, to provide services of a ……….. nature(1) In “Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja, S. A.” to cover the following posts:
- ..........
(1)In the case of fixed-term employment, add the reason why the job is on a fixed-term basis: standing in for workers during periods of temporary disability, accumulation of tasks, implementing programmes and/or certain works/projects.
Applicants must fulfil the following conditions:
The call for candidates shall be made public, at least, by means of an announcement on the company's website:
Applications shall be submitted in the Incoming Correspondence Register of Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja, S.A. at c/ Isaac Newton, s/n Pabellón de la Unión Europea, 41092, Seville, within the time limit published for each call or, where appropriate, by e-mail to the specified email address, where applicable.
Documentation to be submitted:
The time period for submitting applications shall not be less than 10 calendar days from the date of publication of the advertisement.
By submitting an application, the candidate accepts the terms and conditions of the process.
Chairperson ……………………
Secretary:………………………… ..
The members of the Panel shall be appointed on the basis of the characteristics of the job to be selected.
Specialist advisers may be hired, where the difficulty of the test make it necessary, to assist the panel. They shall act in an advisory role and shall not have a vote.
1. Work Experience: (maximum xxxx. - points).
Services rendered in jobs of the same professional category as the one being applied for, in positions of a similar nature: xxxx. - points per full month worked.
Accreditation: Experience shall be accredited by an employment history certificate issued by the Treasury General of the Social Security, accompanied by payroll slips and/or a contract of employment proving that such a job was held.
2. Education and Training. (maximum xxxx points)
a) For Courses or Masters Degrees completed that are directly related to the job to be done, which must be accredited by official certification, the following scores shall be awarded:
Over 100 hours, xxxx points
Over 75 and up to 100 hours, xxxx points
Over 50 and up to 75 hours, xxxx points
Over 25 and up to 50 hours, xxxx points
From 15 to 25 hours, xxxx points
b) For specific knowledge in …………………. depending on the specific job to be filled, which must be accredited by a certificate issued or approved by an official centre or body, according to the following schedule:
Base level xxxx points.
Intermediate Level xxxx Points.
Higher Level xxxx Points.
Points shall be awarded only to the highest level of knowledge in the specific subject matter required.
3. Personal interview or project (maximum xxxx points).
Depending on the job to be filled, the candidate may be required to defend a project on the job he is applying for before the Selection Panel, or may be subjected to an interview where the applicant's professional performance in previous jobs can be assessed and verified, based on criteria such as responsibility, initiative, autonomy, use of technology, motivation... etc.
The Selection Panel may ask the applicants for professional references, in order to obtain objective information to enable it to verify the accuracy of the data provided by the applicants.
Mentioning companies in which he or she has worked, training centres where he or she has studied, etc., means that the candidate expressly authorises the Panel to contact such organisations and make such checks as it deems appropriate to confirm the truthfulness and/or validity of the information provided by the candidate.
If objective information is obtained proving that any document or information provided by an applicant is false, this shall be sufficient to exclude the candidate from the selection process. Before making such a decision, the Panel shall open a pleadings period, which shall never be less than 10 calendar days, to allow the person to exercise the right to clarify matters.
During this stage of the selection process no points shall be granted to candidates.
At the end of the process the panel shall make a proposal to the general management of the company or, where appropriate, to the competent organisation, to hire the person who has obtained the highest score from the sum of all previous selection phases.
The Panel shall place all the other candidates on a reserve list, ordered from the highest to the lowest score, and, in the event of any incident with respect to the selected person during the 12 months following his or her incorporation into the company, the general management may consider the persons on this list to cover the same position, and they shall be called in the order of priority established at the end of the process. Likewise, if new hires are needed for the same post during this period, the general management may decide to hire the persons on this list, while respecting the order of priority.
This reserve list shall be published in the final minutes of the selection process, so that the persons on it are aware of the fact.
Any person who does not respond when called, or rejects the job offered without sufficient justification will not be called again, and the inclusion of that person's name on this list shall not confer any links with Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja, S. A, nor any rights in connection with this offer.
The Panel may decide not to fill the advertised job if they consider that the finalist candidates do not get a high enough score overall in the tests to perform the job functions. In the event that this happens (because of the characteristics of the job being offered, because of the needs of the company, because of any other circumstance at the discretion of the Panel), this minimum score must be clearly indicated in the call for candidates. Similarly, the Panel may set the same minimum score as a condition of being on the reserve list.
If you have any questions or need more information you can call 671 59 28 47 or email